Who is Early Help and why is it important?

Early Help

Supporting Families

Early help is not a service but a way or thinking and working. It is a collaborative approach between services with families that provides support as soon as a need is identified. 

Working Together 2023 tells us “Effective early help relies upon local organisation and agencies working together to:

  • Identify children and families who would benefit from early help
  • Undertake an assessment of the need for early help
  • Provide targeted early help services to address the assessed needs of a child and their family, which focuses on activity to improve the outcomes for the child. 

In Doncaster, we want Early Help to be a priority for all. The vision is supported by 9 key commitments that have been embodied across the partnership:

9 committments

To support everyone to identify, assess and provide early help our Early Help Coordinators are on hand. See our professionals Early Help Lead Practitioner Responsibilities an Support. 

Published 4th March 2024

Siblings on tablet at night time