How do we respond when needs are identified?

Early HelpOur Early Help Outcome Framework makes clear what we want to achieve for all Doncaster children and their families. When a child or family is not achieving all these outcomes it is important to talk about this with the family and offer help. Using our parent/carer leaflet or the video on the main early help page will support practitioner to do this.

family outcomes framework

Doncaster Continuum of Need and Threshold guidance enables everyone working with children and their families to understand levels of need.  Our video explains this further: 


Centre Stages

When a parent or carer has consented to Local Help or Early Help the next step is to use the ‘worried about a child’ online form in the ‘report a concern’ tab on this website. This one form has four responses:

Local Help: Low level support, quick intervention linking the family into local services & support when everyday issues become difficult;  for example help with benefits advice, financial issues, low level housing issues and much more.

Early help: If you feel you and your family require some extra support, then support is available via Early Help. This is a way of accessing a range of support and services to prevent problems from becoming bigger.  If you, your child/children and your family need extra support, for example, around health,  development/ behaviour,  education,  parenting,  relationships, conflict and much more.

Social Care: If you are worried about a child or believe a child to be at risk of any kind of harm please select social care. Social services have a statutory obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and can provide a wide range of services to children and their parents, usually within the own home environment and co-ordinated by a social worker.

CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are services that support young people with their mental health. If you believe a child or young person is struggling with their mental health please consider a CAHMS referral.

Always call 999 if someone is in immediate danger.

Published 4th March 2024

children with chalks