Neglect and Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2).

What is the Graded Care profile 2?

The Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) is an evidence-based tool supported by the NSPCC to help identify areas of neglect and improve outcomes for children and families. 

How to book onto training

Training is 1 day long, and will be available on MS Teams or face to face. To book a place, please visit Buy Doncaster (linked below) and register an account. Here, you will be able to book onto the training. This course is primarily aimed at Level 3: Professionals working with children, young people and/or their parents. Please note, training is limited to 1 session per week so those who will use the tool should have priority.

If your job may not allow you to complete a full GCP2, you may be able to contribute to one or use our screening tool to provide support. If you would like to learn more about GCP2 and the screening tool, we would recommend booking onto one of our awareness sessions. These will be available to book on Buy Doncaster by the start of August. 

Neglect strategy

GCP2 plays a fundamental part of Doncaster’s neglect strategy, which assists all practitioners and professionals in Doncaster to tackle neglect. GCP2 will be used across our multi-agency partnership to support and empower children and their families.

GCP2 champions

As training is rolled out, teams within different organisations in Doncaster will be accessing training and using GCP2. In order to provide ongoing support, we need champions form all areas of the multi-agency partnership to be the point of contact for any support. This may include supporting your colleagues to score a GCP2.

Benefits to becoming a GCP2 champion:

  • Bi-monthly meetings for support
  • Personal email signature
  • Playing a pivotal role in combatting neglect in Doncaster
  • Support from other champions across the multi-agency partnership
  • Professional development

In order to become a GCP2 champion, you need to have completed at least 2 good GCP2 assessments. If you would like to become a champion, please email [email protected] and provide anonymised GCP2 assessments. You must discuss this with your line manager and seek their approval before getting in touch.