Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership Sub-Groups

Our work as a partnership is supported through the following sub groups: 

Learning and Quality Improvement Group

Learning across the partnership, whether that learning arises from case review activity, audit, scrutiny of performance data, practitioner or service user feedback, or any other source. 

Case Review Group

This group provides for the decision-making and commissioning of local child safeguarding practice reviews (CSPRs), previously referred to as Serious Case Reviews. These are required when a child has died or been seriously harmed and abuse or neglect of that child is known or suspected. The purpose of a CSPR is to learn lesson and identify improvements to be made to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, rather than apportioning blame. Further details is given in Working Together 2018 chapter 4. 

Details of serious case reviews or child safeguarding practice reviews undertaken by Doncaster are published on this page.

Neglect Subgroup

The role and purpose of this group is to deliver the outcomes and priorities in relation to child neglect set out in the Neglect Strategy and against the ‘Stay Safe’ Theme in the Children and Young People’s Plan. To discharge any statutory duties required by the group and to champion the voice of children and young people in relation to neglect.

Child Exploitation

The Child Exploitation Strategic Sub-Group aims to bring key partners together to ensure that across the Doncaster Area a consistent, collaborative and coordinated response is provided to all children, young persons who are at risk of exploitation.

Training Subgroup 

The DSCP Training Sub-group is responsible for developing, publishing, delivering and evaluating an annual multi-agency DSCP Training Programme.

Policy and Procedure Subgroup

The DSCP Policy and Procedure Sub-group is responsible for ensuring that it has relevant and up to date multi-agency policy, procedures, protocols and guidance in place; to promote the safeguarding and welfare of children and young people across Doncaster.

MASH Steering Group

To review the development of the MASH across the partnership to ensure it remains pivotal to making the right decision at the right time for some children. 
To ensure the timeliness of the MASH is compliant with Working Together 2018.
To ensure any learning or lessons are shared and implemented from overarching boards.

Early Intervention Steering Group

To contribute to the delivery of the outcomes and priorities set out in the Children and Young Peoples Plan / Place Plan and be accountable for the quality of early intervention delivery across the partnership.

Single Performance and Improvement Group



Female writing on notepad - Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash